Retrieve from Microflow wont work

Hi, I quite new to Mendix and I can’t get a simple Microflow retrive a Integer value from a Entity. I have a page where I do input to the Entity, which works great so the data is there. Then I would like to present the Height Integer value in a ordinary Text-widget but I don’t understand how I shall get the Microflow to retrieve the First Integer value added into the Entity and then present it into the Text box in a dataview. I have taken som screen dumps below.      
3 answers

The retrieve has been performed, you’ll need to set the objects as the return value.

Double click the end point (red circle) and select object as return type and the entity as the specific entity you will return and set the value to the value you retrieved in the action.


Thanks! I have now added the return value in the red cirecle. HoweverI get the following error in the data view that calls for the Microflow.




You’ll need to remove the input parameter in this case as it is the data that you want to retrieve and can’t be provided by the page.
