I want to click on a Home menu item and then have the user go to the role-based home page as defined in the Project Navigation

Hi, Feels like asking for something very basic :-(, but can’t figure it out. I have role-based home pages. F5 brings the user to his/her own home page, no problemo. But how do I achieve this if the user actively clicks on a menu item home? I can not bring the user to the home page via a MF as some of the home pages contain information other users are not entitled to see. Thanks! Mx 8.16.0
2 answers

You can simply use this Show Home Page activity in a microflow. As mentioned in the docs, it will show the relevant role-based homepage for the user role who is logged in and in whose session the microflow executed. 


In the navigation, you have a homepage section that have default home page and “Role based home pages”.

You can add home page for each role there.

After that you can directly use the show home page activity in the MF.
