Scheduling excel downloads

Hi, In our app we have some workflows which generate excel files and downloads them. Now I’m trying to make an automatic process by using a scheduler which starts these microflows. I’ve tried to achieve this by using the built-in scheduling functionality of Mendix but it doesn’t work the way I would like it do. Or maybe it isn’t possible in this way. This is the workflow I’m using: When I enable the schedule, in the console I can see the log messages. Besides that, in the second step I create a logrecord in a table. This one is also going well, but the third step isn’t , the ACT_Customer_ExportToExcel should generate an excel file and download it, unfortunately no file is showing up in my downloads directory.  When I run this flow manually, it does generate an excel file. So I’m not sure what’s going wrong in the scheduling event. Any ideas ?
2 answers

If the microflow is triggered by a scheduled event, it runs in the system context, not in a user context, knowing nothing about the user who might be interested in downloading the file. 

What exactly do you want to achieve by adding a scheduled event?


Why not generate the Excel File, store it as a FileDocument, and then serve the pre-generated File to the other tool?
