Nanoflow log messages

Hi All,   this may be a silly question but how can we see the messages with the log nanoflow action? I know locally these show in the console but what about when the APK is being run on an android device?  For example I have a nanoflow that logs a simple message for push notfications as below    How do I see this log message for an apk running on a device connected to an acceptance node. Can anyone point me into the right direction.
2 answers


Did you read the documentation about debugging your native app?

This part explains how to get the log files out of a device

Hope it helps!


Hi Phil,

In addition to Lennart's answer, there also a additional way of capturing client errors or log messages from nanoflows and getting them in your database. Be sure to check out the solution described by Sylvia Wentzel in a webinar from MXW2020. It starts around 8:40

The solution is to write these messages to a log entity and sync them to your backend. Make sure to apply the correct sync settings to keep the sync lightweight.
