Use Form-data on Call REST (POST)

Hi, I try to post a file to an external enpoint. It works fine in Postman with form-data, but when I try to call it through MENDIX App, I have an error message :  {"message":"Validation error","errorCode":"VALIDATION_ERROR","details":{"body":[{"message":"\"body\" is required","path":[],"type":"any.required","context":{"label":"body","key":"body"}}],"file":[{"message":"\"file\" is required","path":[],"type":"any.required","context":{"label":"file","key":"file"}}]},"debugId":"00-c1cc6808c2582bfda7bdbee11cd494ea-05cdda05c129d569-01"} it seems that when Call REST is used with form-data, the body part is not detected by the endpoint ? In the same time the file object that I put in a key named “document” seems to be not detected As a last question, how I can trace the http request produce by Mendix on acceptance for example (i can’t call the endpoint due to enterprise restriction)   Many thanks for your help      
2 answers

To view your requests and responses when you Call REST, set the log level to TRACE on the REST Consume log node.

Good luck!


I got problems like you, Can you show how to pass binary file to form-data?
