Not able to add the products in the cart (Mendix Studio Pro - 8.17.1)

Hi Team, I am working on online shopping application based on Rapid developer course. I am showing different products on the page and customer will be able to add those products in the cart. I am calling one microflow on ‘Add to Cart’ button which will retrieve the products from database. once user adds the product to the cart I am setting a flag ‘HasAddedToCart’ as true and based on that condition I want to show a message to the customer that ‘Product has been added to cart successfully’ as well as I want to add only selected product on the cart page. But currently, I am only able to show a message to the customer but not able add the selected product on the page. How can I add selected product on cart page?
2 answers

Can someone please help me for this issue?


Hi Rene,

Please find the domain model below:
