How to add a current date variable to Execute Statement? Whats its syntax?

Hello everybody! I’m fairly new to the Mendix game, right now i’m working with an external database that seems to be connected to my mendix app. My problem is, when i click a button a microflow is triggered, in it i need the date to be the current date, in the flow i already put a Create Variable activity which created the date time var named $StartDate_Estimate, and a Change Variable activity which value is [%CurrentDateTime%]. (Maybe this is already wrong)   After this, i added an Execute Statement activity and in the expression i put:   I get this syntax problem, and what i want to know is, basically, what the syntax should be. Maybe i’m not seeing this very clearly. If anyone can answer me, that would be mighty fine, thank you in advance :) Vasco Andrade
2 answers

you can use formatdatetime to convert date to string as per format you want like dd/mm/yyyy. for more information on formatdatetime you can check mendix documentation


Hi Vasco,


You can use this below link to convert date to string as per format you want.

