Not able to change the status of request (Mendix Studio Pro Version 8.17.1)

Hi Team, I am working on request approving system. Customer has sent the request to the Admin for buying the products. The status of the request is ‘Pending for Approval’ initially.  The request status is of Enumeration type having different values like ‘Pending’, ‘Approved’ and ‘Rejected’. The Admin will change the status to ‘Approved’ or ‘Rejected’ once he sees the new request. How can I change this status using microflows using Enumeration values? Thanks in advance.  
2 answers

Hi Kalayani, 

As ben suggested, you can achieve it. But Condition for updating the status depends on products existence. 

So, First retrieve the Products associated to the request, then change request to Approved if Products  exist if not change request to reject.


You should be able to use either the Radio Button widget or the Drop Down widget inside a data view to have the admin select the new value in the UI. If you need to set the value inside a Microflow Change Object action, then you can use ModuleName.EnumerationName.EnumerationValue (i.e. MyFirstModule.ResquestStatus.Approved )
