Parameters in header and body of Rest call

Hi   I’m calling a Post Rest api, which is working fine I need to pass a body   example of body {   "user": {     "email": "",     "password": "pass@2018."   },   "myToken": "@1pc35p9" }   I created a JSON structure using above example   The user need to input email and password   I created a microflow with a ‘Call Rest Service’ and configured above   How can i create 2 parameters, and pass it from the user input to the JSON structure in the Call Rest Service.      
5 answers


You can create an entity with 2 attributes, one for email and one for password.

Create a page with the entity on it.  When the user submits the page, call the rest microflow with the entity and use those attributes in your rest call.

Hope that helps,





I created the entity and the page 

however, the page is as below. i presume i need to add a data view on the page, associating it to the entity

As such, on my Home page, when i create a button to call the new page, i get the following 


Kindly advise


Thank you


Hello Team


I was able to proceed by creating a microflow doing a create object, then open page, and was able to call the microflow from the Home page

I am however still stuck with another issue

this is the entity having the parameters

i need email as {1}


how do i add the parameter attributes in the Template Parameter?



I was able to make it work using $.  Thank you


As advised by Ahmad Zaatreh, i woukd like to test the export mapping

the json object has another object, user, inside it

  "companyToken": "{3}",
  "user": {{
    "email": "{1}",
    "password": "{2}"

I did the following, but could not proceed with the mapping



I was unable to map email and password



Using an entity


how can i do an export mapping to the following JSON_Structure

  "companyToken": "{3}",
  "user": {{
    "email": "{1}",
    "password": "{2}"

All the 3 fields are already in my entity, but email and password are in another object ‘user’


So, my input parameter is entity NaveoLogin, and i need it converted to the Json structure using Export mapping.


