CSV Importer: Unterminated quoted field at end of CSV line

I’m running into trouble with the CSV Importer module, whereas the console serves me the following error: com.mendix.core.CoreRuntimeException: com.mendix.systemwideinterfaces.MendixRuntimeException: com.opencsv.exceptions.CsvMalformedLineException: Unterminated quoted field at end of CSV line. Beginning of lost text: [Intrum/Lindorff;1116303;;;onjuist dossier nummer ] at SaldiAPI.CSV_SaldiImport_ReadFile (JavaAction : 'Read next line') at {"name":"CSV.ImportCSV","type":"JavaAction"} at SaldiAPI.SUB_SaldiImport_ProcessFile (JavaAction : 'Import CSV') at SaldiAPI.BA_SaldiImport_ProcessFile (SubMicroflow : 'Import file') I receive this error when trying to import the following CSV content. The error appears when trying to read the last (third) row. Col1;Col2;Col3;Col4;Col5;Col6;Col7;Col8;Col9;Col10;Col11;Col12;Col13;Col14;Col15;Col16;Col17;Col18;Col19;Col20 50958;-7441622959299520555;FEMALE;A;A;;Achternaam1;2-4-1975;true;;;null;;;6-4-2021;Staat der Nederlanden;220206000;27-11-2020;41796; 50959;-7278367472807340074;MALE;D;D;ter;Achternaam2;5-8-1950;true;;;null;;;7-4-2021;De Friesland Zorgverzekeraar N;208009769;;;Conform uw verzoek retour 50960;-229109191646632751;FEMALE;Td;T;;Achternaam3;22-9-1984;true;;;null;;;31-3-2021;Intrum/Lindorff;1116303;;;onjuist dossier nummer ​​​​​​​   When changing the slash in ‘Intrum/Lindorff’ to a dash or similar character, the issue does not persist. I did not set the slash as quote or escape character. A slash is such a basic character, I assumed I’d find more issues on the forum regarding this matter, but I actually did not. Who can help me out?
1 answers

Don't you need a closing ;?
