How to pass Entity Variables and new variables from one Microflow to another

Hi All, Need help on scenario where requirement is to pass Entity Variables and new variables from one Microflow to another so that microflow can be defined or created based on functionality and data is available across all the microflows.
2 answers

Add paramaters to that (sub)microflow, in the call Microflow action you can pass the current entities and variables to the submicroflow (only those that are defined as parameters).


Couple of scenarios:

Calling sub-microflows with several input parameters → standard. As Stephan suggested.

Microflow should return several parameters

  1. of the same type → Return a List
  2. of different types → consider creating a non-persistent entity in your domain model that ties the different entities together by associations, ‘populate’ that NPE in your microflow and return it is the one result object.
    Anything else that gets this result object can use the associations to access the different related entities…

Hope this helps, best regards, Boris   

