Employee with multiple roles in multiple teams.

Hi, I've just been working on Mendix for a few weeks, so I'm super new. I have 3 entities called: team, employee and role. A team can contain multiple employees and an employee can work in multiple teams. An employee can also have different roles in different teams. How can I realize this within Mendix?
4 answers

You mean how to accomplish this domain model wise? I think you're almost there [edit] . Goodluck!


Hi Ruud,

Thank you for your response and the tip you gave.

My problem is that I have a hard time putting the information together. As you can see I created a page and applied a dataview widget in to the page. Via the button "medewerkers" I want to select employees with their role for that team.

The button "medewerkers" activates a microflow. By searching I came to this example:

The idea is to create an overview of employees that I can select. The interface that I now use is not what i'm looking for . What if there are 100s of employees, how do I still keep an overview?


On the teams page, try to add a reference set selector widget and connect it to the association between team and Medewerker. The widget will generate the buttons to add or remove a Medewerker to a Team.

Have a look here


Thank you! Now I can add employees to teams with the widget reference set selector. But how can I assign a role to an employee within that team?
