Update Grid Records in Background

Hi I have created one data grid where i will be listing all the tasks being initiated in the downstream products. I need to fetch the status of all the tasks listed in the grid in regular interval of time and update the data grid. I created one microflow to execute in background  continuously which will update status of the objects defined in the grid, by fetching it from the down steam products. The problem is the objects will not be commit until the microflow transaction is completed. I need to update the records immediately once i get the response. Can you please help me to resolve this problem?  is there any way to trigger microflow in background for datagrid which will update the records on regular interval of time?      
3 answers

In a datagrid you can set a refresh time that gets data from the database in the intervals set as seen in the image below.


Double click the datagrid and in the properties of the datagrid, you will end up in the pop up as shown in the image



Hi Manjunatha Koni Gururaja ,

In the community common module we have the StartTransaction and EndTransaction java action which will commit the objects to the DB before the microflow gets finish , it may help in ur cases.


Hi Narayan

I tried this approach, but it did not work, still i have to come out of the loop to commit the records into the database. 




Should i define any task queue for these transaction?

