How to parse the date for the excel importer?

We use Excel Importer to push a lot of data into the system. but the problem is that in excel we have a strange date format. It looks like this - 1/1/1900 00:00:00 – The date format is "MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS".   How can we make Mendix understand that in our date Month goes before Day (as I understand it is the opposite by default in Mendix)? How can we parse or exclude the time in the end? If we can’t parse it, I would use something like the “substring” function to exclude it, but as I understand, substring count characters from the beginning of the string, while I need to found them from the end of the string (because time has always the same number of characters, while date might be different), so how can we do it?
2 answers


Add microflow in parse with in column page in Excel import and do the necessary logic inside that microflow and return the value.

Use below url for reference:




The format should be “MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss”. If you use a Connect Attribute the format date not show, so you should be manual select attribute.

Ref: SimpleDateFormat (Java SE 11 & JDK 11 ) (
