Microflows are getting called number of times on refreshing the context. (multiplied by no of visits to other page)

Hi, I have serious problem in my application where the microflow are getting triggered multiple times (getting multiplied). We have dashboard, where I select the product in a auto-complete widget and triggering a microflow using on change event. I’m refreshing  the context object to trigger all the microflow in the same page. Problem is, when we navigate to home page from the navigation list ( where the context object is also the same in this page as well) and we return back to the dashboard page and try to select other product to trigger the on-change microflow, the rest of the microflows in the dashboard page and microflows in the home page are triggering twice. Similarly the microflows trigger is multiplied by the number of times we navigate to the home page. Eg. When I navigate to home page from dashboard for 5  times, then all the microflow in the dashboard and home page are called 5 times when we call the on-change event..       I’m only refreshing the context object only once in the on-change event(not refreshing any where else in the flows).
2 answers


Due to the way the Mendix Client works it can happen – based on your page design – that datasource MF’s are called more than once. However this should stay constant and not increase.

These client issues can also be caused by custom widgets that are not properly working. You can try to remove all custom widgets from the relevant pages.

But I’ve also run into a similar issue (which we assume was a Mendix bug), that could only be solved by explicitly closing the page the user was currently on, before showing another page. If you have a clear reproducable case and excluded the usual development glitches you could also contact support.

regards, Fabian


I am facing a similar issue. While changing the status filter tabs , the DS microflow is being called twice instead of one.And because of this , when i am retrieving the list , the list count is coming twice as expected.
