Chart Data Refresh with using multiselect widget

Hello community, I need help on an issue I’m facing in an app I’m working on. My task is to have a multiselect with name values. If a name is selected the chart should only show that piece of data. Inside my microflow, the data is properly filtered based on the json data that is given from the multiselect. The microflow after filtering the data creates a new chart object and returns it. This is the onChange event for the multiselect. This is the same microflow that is attached to the anychart that returns a chart object on the initial load. This is the link to view an image of my structure inside my overview page.  The issue is that when I select an element in the multiselect, it runs the same microflow that my anychart microflow runs to return a chart object. However, this does not refresh the chart. Any ideas??
2 answers

If you want to refresh your Chart object, you need to refresh the parent object, the MultiSelect. If that isn't an option, you could create a helper object in between.


This helped me! Thank you. Knowing to change the parent will refresh it, got me where I needed to be! 
