Does calling a Nanoflow from Data view Save the Transaction?

Hello, I have a dataview with a text field input to an entity. Within the Dataview I have a button “Save”. In the properties Events – On Click I have an option to “Save Changes” which commits the record to database. If I change the On click to call a Nanoflow, do I need to add a Commit Object or will calling the Nanoflow also Save the record to database?  
2 answers

If you change your on change from ‘Save Changes’  to ‘Call Nanoflow’ or ‘Call Microflow’, it will do just that. So if you want your changes committed you need to do that with a commit action in the flow, it does not happen automatically.


Hello Dan Charlesworth,

Call a nanoflow or microflow event only transfers the control of to the nanoflow/microflow, it does not saves the information you entered on page to database. But yes, the information or data inputed on the page gets available at the event you are calling. And you can save the data from there to the database by using commit activity.

