Community Commons memberHasChanged - check for association

Hi, how can I check, if the an association for an object was changed? My scenario is, that a Checklist has a contact. Everytime I change the contact of a checklist, I want to send an email. If the association was not touched, I don’t want to send the mail. ;-)  I guess the parameter for the member is somehow wrong here? Thanks in advance!
2 answers

Per the Java action documentation (open the java action in your modeller, tab ‘Documentation’ ): For references, the java function needs the fully qualified name – ‘YourModule.Checklist_Content_ResponsibleLineManager’.

Haven’t actually tested it right now but I’m pretty sure I’ve used this before :) Hope it helps!


Yes, it’s works pretty fine. Another hint for future readers. ;-)

The key is to use this action in BeforeCommit-event. If the association was already commited it will not work (of course, because ACo the association is not new any longer.)
