Email With Templates

So we Retrieved Email Template from the database & Added to the below micro flow which is already Presented in email template module while calling  this micro flow its shows the following error. Email Setting & Configuration was successful please help us to resolve this error. & also let us known how to include placeholder & attachments.  
3 answers

The first error is telling you that the microflow that is attached to this button expects an EmailTemplate as input, but it does not get it. If you retrieve the template in the microflow, you can delete the parameter in the flow.

The second erros tells you that no role is allowed to execute the Sub_CreateAndSendEmail microflow. You should assign some roles to that logic by right clicking your canvas in that microflow > Properties > Allowed Roles.


Hi  yogendra jangid,

Do not make use of the deafult microflows used in the Email Template Module. First step is create a Module and you can name it as CustomizedEmailTemaplate. It is alsways better to create a new module if your are customizing flows for the modules downloaded from Market place. 

Now for your first issue, Duplicate the Sub_CreateAndSendEmail  microflow and rename it as Sub_CreateAndSendEmail _Customized . Then Add the Leave form Object as your microflow parameter and delete the Email template Parameter and use this microflow in your Action button and you should rever the changes done in  Sub_CreateAndSendEmail.

For your secodn issue as Jop ter Horst said you should set Allowed roles for the microflow since it is being triggered from a page which has security set to it. 

Hope it helps!!


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