please help me to write oql or suggest different way to acheieve expected result

hello, i have one entity  which having two attributes 1. phase_type(string), 2.status(enumeration open,closed,pending). so my task is to generate bar graph based on open, closed and pending count respective to each phase type for that i have created one non persistable entity which having four attributes please see below image  i am trying to count phase_status  eg. user1 having how much open status, how much closed & pending status  and trying to store it in non persistable table . i dont know where i am going correct or not to achive result so please suggest me the OQL query to achieve the result  or any other way       Check error below in data set. 
2 answers

SELECT Sum(OpenCount), Sum(ClosedCount), Sum(PendingCount), Phase_Types
SELECT Count(*) OpenCount, '0' ClosedCount, '0' PendingCount, Phase_Types
FROM Table
where status='Open'
Group by Phase_Types
SELECT '0' OpenCount, Count(*) ClosedCount, '0' PendingCount, Phase_Types
FROM Table
where status='Closed'
Group by Phase_Types
SELECT '0' OpenCount, '0' ClosedCount, Count(*) PendingCount, Phase_Types
FROM Table
where status='Pending'
Group by Phase_Types
GROUP BY Phase_Types


Hi Darshana Gunjal,

                     We can achieve the same using microflows too. @Shekhar Tyagi suggested an efficient way to achieve it. Grouped bar charts will helps you to display the different Status count for each phase-type. We can achieve it by using the AnyChart widget and Plotly.js libraries. For your reference, I will share the sample screenshots.


Doc link:


Result :

Thanks and regards,

Vijayabharathi V
