Sending an event from one page to another

Within my application I have this scenario in which I launch a pop-up by clicking a button on my ParentPage. This pop-up allows me to change data, that needs to be refreshed on the ParentPage. When I close the popup, the new data is not shown. In my Microflow I do tell the changed data object to refresh in client. Somehow it looks that closing the pop-up does not refresh for the ParentPage and leaves the originally filled dataviews empty. So my question; does Mendix support events triggers? So I can send an event to my ParentPage in order to reload the data? or any other solution would be much appreciated.
2 answers

Hi, check whether parent page objects is getting refreshed in microflow, if not make that object to refresh so that your data will be shown in the parent page


Thanks for the advice. This refresh trick solved the issue.
