How to prepare the raw value for a Gantt Chart..!?

Hi, I am aware of this Mendix Forum - Questions (How to make Gantt chart in Mendix) But this not real helps me to understand how I make the raw value readable for this Gantt Chart.!? Is there anyone there can help us to guide us for a Mircoflows or what there would be need for convert the raw value with the further information with timestamp and some other information like below out from “one” raw value for MindSphere: Link: Gantt Charts  |  Google Developers Thanks in advance,  
2 answers

Perhaps a working sample of the Gantt Chart widget would help.

For this widget: 

The source code is here: 

And there’s a Mendix test project here: 

Clone that repository and open the project in Studio Pro to see how the widget is used.


Thanks a lot Eric, that helps us to proceed, thanks
