Learning Path: Building an Event App Using Microflows, Module 4.3.4

Hi all, I am following the above mention learning path and I am editing the Registration_NewEdit page so that an anonymous user that registers can select from the same page one of the available tickets. I have set an attribute called Sold (Boolean) to the Ticket entity and I want through the Reference selector (of the Registration_NewEdit page) to display only Tickets with Sold = false.  To achieve this, I opened the said Reference selector > Selectable Objects and tried both Database (with attribute Sold = false) and via Xpath with [Sold = false()] but neither way returned any tickets in the drop down menu. I have created 3 tickets, one that has Sold = true and the other two have Sold set to false.  Here is the association between the two entities   Any idea how to resolve this? Thanks a lot Emma
2 answers

Are your access rules set so that the user you're looking at the page with has read rights on the necessary attributes?


To determine the error/hickup, add some other elements to you page:

  • the reference selector without any restrictions at Selectable objects
  • a datagrid with as datasource the reference over association.


