You’re calling AND coronavirus&apikey=[mykey]
This is not valid because of the spaces in your endpoint. You need to use urlEncode() function for your q parameter value. Like so:
'' + urlEncode('upskilling AND coronavirus') + '&apikey=[mykey]'
Hi Kevin,
Can you make sure the list of things for Execute a rest Call
Hi Kevin Densmore,
You can call the REST Service in the following way. If you are doing it using import mapping.
In this way you can call the REST service.
Hope this will help you. Thank you.
Hi Kevin Densmore,
in call rest activity ,check parameter in location , URL location should not contains any unnecessary spaces, hope so it will be work. if URL is correct then need to select the apply import mapping option from the drop-down list for response handling In response tab and Select import mapping . thank you
In addition to the other answers, while debugging REST calls I find it useful to put the “REST Consume” log node up to TRACE so I can see all the requests and responses in the console. It helps to see what is going backwards and forwards, and if the messages are what I am expecting.
After trying a few things it appears I’m having a cert issue. I’ll see what I can find out and if I learn anything report back. I’ve tried adding a .cer file from a trusted site to my app config but no luck so far.
Just confirming for me this is a cert issue. Basically I needed to export all my certs from the browser then import them into the app.