Autocount - Microflow or Expression?

My apps primary focus is collecting forms, how can I build a way that automatically creates and displays what unique number the form is as soon as it is created.    I believe the logic would be: Interview number of n → when new form is  created → n+1   However, I don’t know how to go about this. Any advice would be much appreciated. 
3 answers

You could consider simply using an autonumber attribute. This type of attribute increments automatically at database level.


as lennart spaans said you should add autonumber attributes in your entity like this

for your knowledge it will increase every time you create an object from this entity so you should make unpersistable entity with the same attibutes  to pass the information and only create an object from the main entity on commit 



Kaiyan Ali

to delete an object from a list view you can use the default delete button like this
 as for edit

that depend on how many entities in your form if one you could use the default openpage button to pass the current object to newedit form

if more than 1 entity you should pass an object of the  main entity and its associated  object


this a screen from my domain model to make it clear for you

and in the end i recommend you to watch this learning path
i think it would help you to  have a solid understanding of mendix basics
