How can I set Financial Year 1st October to 30 september for every year

How can I set Financial Year 1st October to 30 september for every year based on contactenddate if contact end date is between 1st oct 2021 to 30 september 2022 then financial year should be 2021
2 answers

I am going to take a quick guess at possible directions you want to go:

You have a lot of objects with a date set to 1st of October and you want to set them to 30th of September

If you want to do this, what you might want to use is a function to set the dates:


Hi Ravi,


You need to do this. In a microflow, retrieve the dates:


Inside a loop check,

if    month-from-dateTime(DateAttribute) >=10  , change the list set the financial year =year-from-dateTime(DateAttribute)

else  financial year =year-from-dateTime(DateAttribute)-1
