On Change Event Microflow not getting called on Textbox edit event

Hi , I have an input field on a page with an OnChange event microflow.  If I change the value in the field and then move the focus and then click on Save Button, the microflow runs and performs the desired operation as expected. But If I change the value and then directly click the Save button, without first losing focus from the field, the changes don't get saved. Has anyone faced such issue ? Please advise how to fix this issue such that as and when a value is changed, MF should be called implicitly without clicking anywhere outside explicitly.
2 answers

Instead of a default save button, have it call a microflow in which you conditionally execute your code (e.g. call your onchange flow) en when ok, commit changes and maybe close the page. The ObjectHandling Module has a “member has changed” java action with which you can check if the attribute was changed.

I think clicking a button should count as leave/change event for the text input field, but alas, it doesn’t. It’s not something you did wrong in the modeler.


OnChange triggers after leaving a changed field.

In Mendix 9, you can change the default behaviour by setting the option While user is entering data. Read more here: https://docs.mendix.com/refguide/text-box



