How do Use two entities to form a third entity

Hi guys, I am really new so please treat me gently   i have two entities with associations to the third entities    I would like to get fields from the first two entities and put these into the third entity and then have user update data on the third entity can someone nice please help
2 answers

You have entity 1, entity 2, and entity 3 (linked to entity 1 and entity 2). 

Inside a microflow, retrieve the entity 3 that you want to use (or create it if it’s not yet existing), from that object entity 3, you can retrieve by association the object(s) of the entity 1, and entity 2. 

then you can change the entity 3 with the attribute of the entity 1 and entity 2. 


For a user to update the data of entity 3, you just have to create a page with a dataview of an entity 3. add the text box of the attribute you want to modify, and add a save button.


almost there :P  i have no idea what to put in the microflow, i tried putting retrieve then create…


but it confused me by assking me for”initiatlising the members”
