Deeplink works in local but not when deployed on server

I have a deeplink microflow which finds an object from Database and displays the details in a separate URL. This works fine when deployed locally but doesnt work when deployed on server. Deeplink microflow doesnt even get triggered when run on server as per the log entries. It gives the below message in new tab. Server Error 404 - File or directory not found. The resource you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.      
3 answers

In the Mendix Cloud (if you are running there), you need to enable access to the path /link/.  You can do this in your environment page (production or acceptance), on the Network tab in Path Based Access Restrictions, screenshot below:


Mike Kumpf,

Thank you. Your inputs helped to identify the cause and resolve it.


Hi Rukmini, great to see that Mike's reply helped you solve the problem.

Please mark his reply as Accepted Answer so that other people can see there's a solution to your questions. This helps everyone in the community.

Thank you!
