Set background image of document template

Hi all   I want to generate name tags for several users. In this name tag I want to have a background image and have the name on top. I tried to set an image in the custom styles but it didn’t work or I did it wrong. How can you exactly set a background image for a document? Is this even possible?   Thanks
1 answers

Hi Lenny,


Good Day! You can try the following in your document template,


  • Inside the DataView context place a table with say 3 Rows
  • Place the attribute mapping within these 3 rows (The Same Attribute) Say OrderStatus
  • You can handle to show only one of the three rows using conditional visibility set on the table cell (right click and see conditional visibility of row.
  • And when you select the row and expand on the style properties there is a custom style tab where you can add the background styling. 




Hope this helps, good luck.



Quickly tested in my test project and seems to work fine :(


This is the style I applied folder named 'images' inside theme folder. Should work for your directory path as well.
