Validation feedback prevents microflow call

Hi Mendix community, I have a really frustrating problem. I have built a complex form in Mendix. The attributes of the form will be validaded through regex validation rules on domain model level. If I enter wrong values, the form will throw an error message back. To that point everything seems right. Nevertheless If I enter wrong values, no further actions can be done. Even when I want to cancel the form. Nothing happens. The standard cancel button from Mendix works. But in my form I need a custom cancel button which deletes several objects. I tried to set the microflow settings “abort on validation errors” to No. But that did not solved the issue.   If you have a great solution or a tipp, I would be really happy. Thanks in advance!
6 answers

Regex in validation is proven technology, so since you have a complex form, likely some other part/function on the form will be the reason. Do some bughunt by copying the form bit by bit to another new blank form, starting with a simple single attribute and a save button, which probably works fine. You will soon know which element is causing the damage.


I think you’re looking for the “Abort on Validation Errors” setting: 


Please check your event handlers, especially BeforeCommit, BeforeDelete and BeforeRollback They must be raising errors, try and uncheck the “Raise an error when microflow returns false”

From your description it looks like these event handlers are interfering in the process flow





Did you find a solution finally?

I'm facing the same problem and I don't find a solution…





No I did not find an answer. The answer is that validation rules on domain level do not work in complex situations.

Maybe the behaviour changed. I am not up to date.

You can work around this problem with microflow validation in your form. When a user has filled all the information in your form and want to confirm the data you can start a microflow to check the data.


Hope that can help you


great idea
