Unable to call MF using Deeplink url for Reset Password

Hi, Actually in the forum, this question was asked before. But I could not solve my issue. The forgot password email is sent. When I click the link : This appname.com page can’t be found No webpage was found for the web address: appname/link/wachtwoord?GUID=2a44a8fa-3874-4849-8572-de4640d5a8c2 HTTP ERROR 404 - I have App Settings/AfterStartup DeepLink.StartDeeplink MF - DeeplinkHome MF is enabled for anonymous and default home page, - I have Guest_ResetPassword role enabled for anonymous.    I am not sure it it important or not but I also have REST Deeplink Module in my app. But the link is not working. So the MF is not triggerd. I cannot debug MF. It seems Deeplink start is not working How can I debug? Do you have any advice?   Many thanks   Mendix 9.6 Deeplink 6.0.5 Forgot Password 3.4.0
4 answers

Does anonymous access is allowed in your security setting? If so you also need to give him the “user” role in the deeplink module 


A few questions:

  • did you create the forgot password Deeplink?
  • have you tried it on your dev machine?  cloud instance?
  • where is this hosted and is it licensed?

Hi Mustafa Aydar,

              Did you try to map NAV_GuestHomePage microflow in the role-based homepage for the Anonymous user role which is available inside the ForgotPassword module?

Thanks and regards,

Vijayabharathi V


Problem is Deeplink and REST deeplink module tries to use same RequestHandlerName
