How To Commit In Batches

Hello,  I am working on an API whereby my system updates its parts information from another system, currently I either do a change or commit based on the iterator value details in a loop. I understand that this is poor practice, and that submitting a batch is a better option. However I am not sure what community commons resources I should be using to build the microflow to submit a batch of updated information at the microflows conclusion, if there is an example of a microflow using these functions that would be great, as I am confused on how to access all the changed parts for use after the loop is completed to then submit the batch.    Thank you in advance.
1 answers

This forum post might help you:

And the documentation on batches needs to be improved. There used to be examples but those have disappeared somehow. Best currently is this one:

But indeed currently the documentations on batches could be improved.



