Saving data

Hey everyone I am totally new to Mendix and I dont know how to create a logic to save data, for example if i have a students entity then save student.   how am i supposed to show it on a screen to add the saving fields also a table  also what are objects and how to create and use them    faisal
2 answers

As a complete beginner, you will find the online lessons in Mendix Academy Learning Paths really helpful. They give a run through of exactly this sort of scenario.

If you get stuck on anything in the Learning Path, do post here and we can try to help.


The short answer: Go to the domain model, right-click entity Student and click on ‘Generate overview pages’. As a result you will get Student_Overview and Student_NewEdit. Now add Student_Overview to the Navigation and solve the errors that will now show up by adding roles to both pages to page attribute ‘Visible for’. There you go, have fun!

As to your question “What are objects?”. An object is an instantiation of an entity. So each student is an object of entity ‘Student’. You create an object with the activity ‘Create object’. When you add that activity to a microflow or nanoflow, you need to tell the activity of what entity it needs to create an object.

You can also create a list of objects.

Also: take Robert’s advice, follow some academy-trainings, this will save you lots of time in the long run.

Last tip: don’t start with a blank app. Instead start with ‘Base application’, giving yourself an instant source of examples.
