latest soap fault not available in microflow.

We are busy changing our webservice to rest api’s. We need to kep the current functionality as is so we are pointing our rest service to the same microflows the web services use. What is currently happening is when we throw a webservice error in the current microflows with a specific fault code and fault message we only have the fault message available in the lastError variable and the lastSoapFault is empty. The errorType is com.mendix.integration.WebserviceException. I need to have access to the faultCode that was set but the LastError does not have that. Is there a way i can get the WebservcieException faultcode from the lastError message. or is there  a way i can change the way i throw the Webservce Exception that a none webservice call like we have a rest api now have access to the faultcode we set.  
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