Selected page expects an object of type items_quote_ccw which is not available here + micro flow
Hi Guys, I am a beginner at Mendix tool. Hope you guys solve my issue ASAP. So, basically, when I hit a create button inside the pop-up layout form, I want to call a microflow which will create the object, and then based on such condition it will show a success message and then the popup will close and redirect to another page. See the attached image and error on last tile for “show page activity”. Can anyone tell me how to resolve that error. I have also go through the error code, but that doesn’t help me much,
Vichitra Choudhary
2 answers
The page is expecting an object of items_quote_ccw but I see that in your microflow you created a different object. You need to create an object of entity items_quote_ccw and then pass it as a parameter on the BOM page. Can be done in the Show page activity.
Shreyash Mehta
but on my pop up page the entity set is different and when user will hit the “Create” button then I think it should save the objects and then another BOM page will be shown.