SAML Custom User provisioning Issue for Assigning user role

Hello, While logging first time through AzureAD the role assigned to the user is Administrator by default. I want that in second login if the Users role is set to ‘HR’ then it should not be changed again to Administrator. For that purpose i have added my logic in CustomUserProvisioning microflow as shown in below image. Also showing you the setting which i have done in configuration setting. Please help me where I went wrong because every time I login in the role is set to Administrator.      
2 answers

I think you should first retrieve that user role. See my screenshot because it seems you are not retrieving it correctly (I see a list instead of an object).


Then check is this user role is part of the list of user roles of the user. Then remove that user role from the list if the user should not be an admin. And do make sure that you commit that list to the right account.





Hi Ronald Catersels ,

I have tried as you said and printed a log to check in which process my microflow is working but it is defaultly setting Admin role to user each time it logs in.

Please refer the below microflow and log:



