how to do the many condition logic decision when filter the data

when the single condition used, it is easy to do the logic decision in microflow. but when the conditions are more than 3 or more. and each condition is independent, it is not easy to do the logic decision. when I do a filter data function. I want to according to several conditions to filte the database, in microflow, so many decision need to be done.  is there any easy way to do this function?
3 answers

Can you elaborate on what you are trying to achieve? Perhaps you can try retrieve using XPATH constraints.


Hi Yequan,

Is the out of the box filter not working for you? That would be the first option I’d try to make work and look at other possibilities only when nothing suits your use case.

One possible way is to look at the OQL module –

You can query like one would normally do in for instance SQL, so construct your own where clause based on the values user has filled and pass that to the query to fetch data. It could be bit difficult for a beginner though.

Depending on your exact use case, there could be other options.


You can perform 'and', 'or' operator inside microflow expression. And also you can use Java action call by writing simple java action call according to your need.
