Redirect the user to another modules if hes logging in first time.

Hi, In my application there is a scenario, where manager sent email to user with link and  default credentials  to it. When user opens his email and clicks on the link, I want to make him automatically logs in(without default credentials sent to him in mail) if hes logging in for first time. I have to check whether the user is logging in first time(I have to check this automatically without entering any default credentials), if true i have to redirect him to change password page. Can anyone suggest/share your ideas on how can I implement this.
1 answers

Hi Hima,

With the Forgot Password module you can realize this.
See this URL for the module and its dependencies

You can create a deeplink for a user and send this via e-mail.
When the invited user clicks on the link in the e-mail the user is directed to a custom login page where he/she can provide a new password and login.
Note: you have to enable anonymous users.
