Appointment confirmation

Me and my team are currently working on functionality that would allow us to show the customer a pop-up with their unconfirmed appointments when they log in, in the case there are any. These appointments currently have a boolean value, false for unconfirmed and true for confirmed. We have tried multiple options like changing the visibility of a button to only show when the boolean is false. This however added a button per unconfirmed appointment, not desirable. I would like to ask how and if this functionality is possible within Mendix. 
3 answers


Not sure how your popup page is currently structured, but it sounds like a ListView or Datagrid with Xpath something like this would work:

[Confirmed = false]

This assumes that the entity for the listview or datagrid is your Appointment entity.

If that doesn’t help, maybe including a screenshot or two in your question would provide more details about what you are working on.



replace the homepage by a microflow, which will check if there are unconfirmed appointments. If so, show home page + pop-up page with appointment list. If not, only open homepage.

Microflow which retrieves unconfirmed appointments and aggregate/counts the list of found appointments for performance improvements. 

Pop up page displaying the unconfirmed appointments.


Thanks so much for your comments! I am however stuck once again, I am not able to add a constraint to the first ‘retrieve list’ object and the appointments found? check also gives me an error. This is the same microflow as I used before so all of the same rules should work. 
