An error occurred, please contact your system administrator

Hello Guys, I have a MF which create MaintanceMode Object at the start of application if its not available.  On cloud an error pops up after few minutes of inactivity: ‘An error occurred, please contact your system administrator’ When I check the NetworkTab the paylod lookd like  {action: "retrieve_by_xpath",…} action: "retrieve_by_xpath" params: {xpath: "//CoreModule.MaintenanceMode[isActive]", schema: {offset: 0, amount: 1}, count: false} count: false schema: {offset: 0, amount: 1} amount: 1 offset: 0 xpath: "//CoreModule.MaintenanceMode[isActive]" profiledata: {1648727033037-166: 41} 1648727033037-166: 41 And response tab ‘ 502 Bad Gateway: Registered endpoint failed to handle the request.’ User has read access to the attributes of the entity.  And the only retrieve is 
2 answers

There is JS injection failed error  and it leads to the same xas request that  i have posted above .@Robert


Set error-handling on the activity ‘Retrieve’ to ‘Custom with rollback’, make it have an errorhandler going to an end event. Set a breakpoint on the end event and connect your debugger to the cloud-environment. You then should be able to see the ‘latest error’ in the variables-pane.
