Reference Selector Event synchronization

Hi, I am facing an issue with reference selector Events triggered. My drop down is a country selector, when typing letters it gets updated and events are triggered, But when I try U and then S to select US the first U selection with different country is triggered and the data in final output is mixed with U and US both from the micro flow. Is there a way to synchronize the flow one after other only for the session.   This happens when typed fast in the selection when we type slow it works fine. I tried synchronize option in microflow settings it dint work for me.   Regards, Karthik VAJJA
1 answers

Hi Karthik ,

You can try the sequential progression by selecting the Blocking(Show Progress Bar) option from the section under the Synchronous Option. Or you can try to save time between processes by adding a delay action at the end of the microflow .You can download java community commons from . Hope it works .



Ridvan Oksuz
