How to Retrieve Non persistable entity in microflow

Hi  I am generating a report which is showing different attributes of different entity as I use Change object calling them with their association. As the data I am publishing in report is already present in database but as i am using persistable entity . It is storing again in database. In Microflow which i am using to publish the data . It is also using the delete activity each time the microflow calls the data truncates and along with Fresh data it generates the report again.  How to do the same activity with non persistable activity.
2 answers

Hi Shubhransh,
Can you paste a screen shot of the Microflow.


Hi Shubhransh,

What issue are you having with the non persistable objects?

You should be able to retrieve them if you created the object(s) and set the association. However might be smarter to give the non persistable data as a parameter to the Microflow. 

