anychart heatmap json issue

hi does anyone know how to create a microflow to insert the the “Z” values in the this JSON structure format?  note that the values are nested inside a middle tier json array before it roll up to the “Z” array.  i tried to loop through this in a loop within a loop but seeing no data in the output.  help is very much appreciated.  thank you
2 answers


To create the data in your post, your microflow would need to look like this:

Activity details are:


Note that each of the last 3 activities creates one of the values and this entire microflow creates the first subarray in your example.  You would need to have create a looping microflow (I think) if you are retrieving the source data from the database.

Hope that helps,



hi Mike, thank you for your replay and your example, i can see data in the Z array, but the data doesn’t break into their individual section, i used a loop and even tried broken the process into multiple loops and data just continue to add on, in the existing section, instead of into a new one.  can you let me know what else i can try?

