How to count and display activities along with account name

Hi all, I am new to Mendix and  my project requirement is like I want to display account name and count of there in progress activity. example Emp Name   In progress Activity  Completed Activity XYZ                              2                          3 PQR                             5                           7 How can I display all employee name as they have different account. Thank You.
2 answers

In the system folder in your explorer (in studio pro) you can find the folder called account. You can make a listview of those accounts. With %CurrentUser you can withdraw the user that is currently logged in and match it with the list you retrieve.


HI Priyanka Sawant,

I would suggest to create a non persistable entity A which has columns same as you have in your grid. Ex EName,Progresscount, Completed Count.

In a page add a Datagrid with data source as Microflow . In the microflow Create a empty list of Object A and  retrieve  account and loop it to retrieve the individual activites. Now you can add list operations to calculate activities with different status. Then create a Object of A and set the necessary values and add it to the list and at last return the list .

I hope this works!!
