Hooking into com.mendix.core.Core.microflowCall() for timing microflows and logging.

My team is working on a Mendix application and is struggling with some performance issues; we don’t know where they are stemming from within some of our large microflows. Some suggestions online are to time each microflow by logging the start and end time individually, but this would be very tedious and would also add a lot of boilerplate code. I was wondering if it is possible to take advantage of the internal Mendix core java function “microflowCall()”. Is it possible to call user provided code before and after it is run? My java knowledge is limited, so I am unaware if there is a core language feature that could be of use here. This would also be useful for our team for later when we need to provide more logging in our applications. Any help is much appreciated. Thank you. 
2 answers

The datadog integration can be used to report microflow and activity metrics. See https://docs.mendix.com/developerportal/operate/datadog-metrics/ and https://www.mendix.com/blog/monitor-your-mendix-apps-with-datadog/.


Have you looked at the APD and APM suite of tools? There should be an action to show you long running microflows there.

