Microflow only returning one value

I am currently using the Mendix calendar widget that I have placed inside a dataview container. To prevent errors I had to set the data source to a microflow. This microflow however only returns one object. If I use a retrieve objects module and set it to ‘all’, it retrieves a list instead of an object and this returns an error as the widget requires objects. Is there any way to configure a microflow to return all objects in that list?   Thanks in advance for your efforts!
4 answers

You certainly can, you have to change the microflow return type. You can do that by double clicking the red end event and change the return type, or the quickest way is to right click your retrieve activity and selecting ‘Set List as return value’.


You have to view your dataview separate from your calendar data source. A data view can only contain a single object. You can choose to use that object in the calendar's datasource. However you don't need to necessarily. To best understand this, try dragging the calendar widget outside of a dataview. You can still use a microflow datasource to retrieve any objects required in the calendar widget. So the dataview datasource and calendar datasource are two separate sources of data. The dataview should be filled witha single object, while the calendar expects a list of objects.


This is how the calendar widget is currently configured. The data source is the database and the event entity is the appointment list. I have tried to use a microflow returning the list as a datasource but this yielded the same results.


For information this is how our domain model is set up

This is the microflow for the dataview container

This is the microflow for the calendar widget

This is the setup for the dataview container

This is the setup for the calendar widget


Below is the microflow where the appointments are being created

The “Afspraak_Eindtijd” microflow simply takes the start time, adds 1 hour to the value and stores that in the end time

The “Pop-up-confirmation” pop-up shows the user that the appointment has been successfully created.
