microflows for add days

I have a situation  where a manager should be providing his status to the instruments there will be several instruments created and that gets assigned to manager and after it gets assigned to the manager that will be considered as assigned date for that instrument each instrument will have different assigned date and manager should be getting reminder emails for every 5 days if he dint provides the status how can i achieve this  i cannot use schedule events since each instrument assigned date is different  i have used my condition like  addDays($modulename/Assigneddate,5)=[%currentdate%] but this is generating only for first 5 days after assigned date this should continued till he provides the status 
3 answers

Usualy I first create a variable called ‘FiveDaysAgo’ like this


and second: compare the AssignedDate to $FiveDaysAgo:

$modulename/Assigneddate < $FiveDaysAgo



Do note that you can use greater then ( >= ) in your XPaths. So you could still use a scheduled event. I would create a checkDate variable that you fill with the current date time minus 5 days. You then can retrieve all Assigneddates that are greater then that variable and process those to send out the reminder mails.





You could also take current date, substract the assigned date and divide the difference by 5. If you can divide by 5 and no email has been sent yet, send a mail.
