Workflow Permissions

Hello, I am working on the newest Mendix Studio (not Pro) Version and I cannot find the Workflow  Permissions in the User Task Properties. I am adding a screenshot of where they were before  the workflow update and a screenshot of how the properties page looks now.    The workflow permissions are not available anymore in the settings either. I have added before and after screenshots for this too.   Does anyone know how I can edit workflow permission in the newest version?   Thank you in advance!
1 answers

Hi Tsvetelina,


The released version of Workflows no longer had workflow-specific security rights. In the earlier betas it was found to be confusing, and a common source of data access errors (user roles that would have access to the workflow, also implicitly needed access to entities and possibly microflows, or otherwise could encounter errors when using the app).

If you need to control who is allowed to start a workflow, it’s easiest to create a microflow and configure the access there (and/or, if needed, filter access further inside that microflow based on the current user).
