How to add a Confirmation Question in between a microflow?

Quick example. Say I am to do a validation in a microflow and one of the outgoing flows need the user to confirm  the action. I need to add a confirmation question pop-up here and wait for the user to confirm or decline for rest of the microflow to execute. What can be done?
3 answers

This cannot be done in a single microflow. Since a microflow will execute client actions at the end of the microflow.

However this can be solved in 2 ways

  1. Replace the microflow by a Nanoflow, these run in the client and executes javascript. Which allows for user interaction during execution
  2. split your microflow in 2 microflows. one before and one after the user input. first microflow executes first part of the logic, opens a page with the question and user can confirm/decline the next step and confirm/decline button will trigger second microflow and act accordingly. 

Can be done in a microflow using the session and a call to itself. During first run, check the session, if no confirmation value is found, continue upto the point of confirmation, and show the confirmation page. Confirmation page having a yes and a no button. Yes sets the session and calls the same microflow. But I advise against that since it is ugly programming.


Just adding my bit if you're doing native development, then you can actually call on a confirmation activity within the action nanoflow. Here is an example.


I haven't tried this in a web client, but it should hypothetically work as well. 

Best regads,


